Thursday, November 08, 2007

Wow, it's been a year!

Time flies when you're in another country. Haven't posted in a while, but just wanted to note, probably for myself more than anything, that I've survived an entire year in another country. So much has happened, yet in the blink of an eye. Almost like a dream! You know how dreams in reality are only about a few seconds, but so much happens in them. It's kinda like that! Anyways, Halloween came and went in sort of a whisper, but I tried to celebrate it with a bang! Here was my costume - I know, so flash:

The real bang came on a holiday called "Guy Fawkes Day", which if you've seen V for Vendetta, you should be familiar with - the British dude who attempted to blow up parliament in the UK. I'm not sure if they celebrate such a holiday over there, but Wellington gets a big fireworks display on the Fifth of November. I managed to capture some pics on my simple point and shoot which was pretty cool. You can check them out here.

Anyways, back to work for me. But you can see some more of my recent goings on in my picasa web album (linked to the right). Pictures are worth more than, well.. you know ;)


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