Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I've made it!

WELLINGTON, NZ - Well, I've made it to the land of kiwis and I've been pretty busy looking for a flat to live in and getting settled into work. Once I get my own internet connection at home I can post pictures (and yes I have been taking them).

The flight from Los Angeles to NZ was pretty horrendous. It was delayed for 4 hours because the pilot got food poisoning and they had to fly in a replacement pilot who had to by law rest for a certain time before flying out. So when the pilot was ready, the toilets in the plane were broken. LAX sent us two servicing trucks who couldn't fix it because they were broken (I forgot why, it was really late at night). And finally the third servicing truck fixed it and we were able to take off. At 2:30 a.m. 12 and a half hours later, I landed in Auckland, and then went on my connecting flight to Wellington (which felt super short in comparison: a mere 45 minutes).

But it was all definitely worth it. This place is amazing. The people are awesome. The food is yummy. Work is "wicked" cool. I will post pictures later tonight.

Anyways, just wanted to drop a line here, as promised, to let you know that I am alive and well and I think I'm gonna like it here... =)


At 8:25 PM, Blogger WinnieEatsWorld said...

yay! j and i hung out today. we miss you.

and you sure make it hard to comment on your blog!

At 7:50 AM, Blogger tetujin said...

glad you made it, dude! hive five PJ for me if you see him. ;)

At 8:31 AM, Blogger Minuk said...


glad to hear you safely made it over there. will be living vicariously through your new kiwi lifestyle.


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